2006 Argentine nuclear reactivation plan

The 2006 Argentine nuclear reactivation plan is a project to renew and reactivate the development of nuclear power in Argentina.

The main points of the plan were announced by the Argentine government through Planning Minister Julio de Vido during a press conference on 23 August 2006.[1][2] They include:

In 2010, an agreement was signed with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) for the construction of Atucha III Nuclear Power Plant and the upgrade of Embalse [5] A C$440m contract was signed in August 2011 for the refurbishment of Embalse from November 2013, which will add 25-30 years to its life.


  1. ^ de Vido, Julio (23 August 2006). "Reactivación de la Actividad Nuclear en la Republica Argentina" (in Spanish). Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (CNEA). http://www.cnea.gov.ar/xxi/noticias/2006/ago06/actividad_nuclear.asp. Retrieved 23 September 2011. 
  2. ^ La Nación. 24 August 2006. Lanzó el Gobierno un plan de impulso a la energía nuclear.
  3. ^ Valente, Marcela (8 September 2011). "Against the Current in Nuclear Energy". IPS. http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=105029. Retrieved 23 September 2011. 
  4. ^ INVAP. CAREM Project.
  5. ^ Ylarri, Pedro (13 Match 2010). "Avanza Atucha III, un negocio de más de US$ 3 mil millones" (in Spanish). http://www.perfil.com/contenidos/2010/03/13/noticia_0020.html.